You go girl!!!!

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Very interesting hearing about your journey. I'm also on a chronic illness journey that mainly started in 2015 (Diabetes 2) ... April 2016 SCAD Heart Attack, May 2016 Psoriatic Arthritis ... plus other minor chronic conditions. Since 2021, focusing spiritual development seemed to mitigate my symptoms ... or at least control them. I had to let go of BS for the SCAD heart condition. This year I got into Human Design, finally made meditation a daily ritual to increase my intuition. Turns out I'm a Heretic Investigator 5/1 Splenic. I've been ignoring my intuition most of my life. I'm listening now. I take queues from my chronic illnesses since they tell me the lines I'm crossing that isn't healthy mentally, physically and mentally. By the way ... I also read your book "Informed: The Comprehensive Guide To Human Design Manifestors" this year also!

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I’m 5/1 splenic too and also do a lot of reflection on my low level but regular fatigue.

I’m concerned about the high level of chronic illness these days. 🤔

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Holly, I am so thankful and grateful for you sharing this. I have such similar story is crazy... still listening, getting emotional and feeling so seen. I know, I have that awareness, that my body is just going through a big transformation, and healing deep deep stuff!! On a spiritual level, everything. And my body is just showing it to me. Tears come into my eyes writing this, because I feel it, but it's hard for people to get it, and for doctors to actually see us through that. Thank you, sending you love and light, and the best of our journey is yet to come!!! (Loved to hear your dog BTW ahah) big hug and kiss!

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